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  • AJ Thompson

About the Creator

First and foremost, I am a storyteller. But at the root of my love of stories is a love for how things work. What does this symbol mean about this character? What does this line of code do to the website? I love tearing into things, taking them apart, and building them back up better than ever.

I am a jack of all trades: a painter; writer; poet; video editor; programmer; business owner; artist; and designer. I've written and drawn my own stories since I could hold a pen. In college, I expanded my interests into other fields, developing my talents for computer technology and design.

In December 2015, I will be graduating from Meredith College with a degree in English and a minor in Professional Writing and Presentation Media, along with a strong focus in Religious Ethics which I was not quite able to finish. My hopes for the future are to find a way to use my talents and interests to continue to develop and create great things for the world.

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